Tuesday, February 17, 2009

HOW I personally sponsored over 175 people in SQIP in 12 DAYS!

HOW Nick Hetcher personally sponsored over 175 people in SQIP in 12 DAYS WithOUT having a massive list or spending ANY money on advertising!


I wanted to give you a quick update on what’s happening with SQIP, from my point of view.

So far in 12 days, I have been able to personally sponsor 175 people. My downline is now over 500 and growing “extremely” fast. (that’s in just 12 DAYS!). Pretty cool, hey?

You might be thinking, HOW (and WHY) did I sponsored that many so fast? Let me tell you, it wasn’t a big deal. YOU can sponsor a lot of people too, it’s not that hard but does take some work.

The reason I’m doing this is because I have talked to the CEO, Christian Fortune, who called me from Germany to discuss doing some voice-over work for SQIP. Well, during our hour long conversation I learned some interesting things about him and SQIP.

The sqip portal is “jam packed” with sites and features that are always no charge to use.

SQIP has developed some great partnerships to bring you the best in Web 2.0 and beyond. For example... SQIP Messenger has the same technology used by Skype, Yahoo, Google, AOL and many others...technology developed & licensed to them by a company who took one look at SQIP & "partnered" with them (Global IP > press on their deal with SQIP http://www.gipscorp.com/pressroom/detail.php?releaseID=400938).

SQIP has some of the best designers, engineers, developers and creative thinkers working to bring us all something that will grow exponentially ...simply because it delivers the features, tools and possibilities that we want & need. If you look closely at their website and the “screen shots” you’ll have a better insight. Very soon, you’ll see it live in action.

SQIP is built on partnerships, collaboration and win/win deals with companies around the world getting involved in making it happen.

Bottom-line, from the information I have heard and seen on their website (screen shots) so far, I really do think SQIP could be the next mega Internet success story and I’m not going to miss out on the action. You can if you want, but not me.

Basically, I took IMMEDIATE “ACTION” and started getting the word out to people on a couple lists I have (1,000 or so people, mostly interested in a home-based business), and I also market SQIP in http://www.twitter.com/ and http://www.betternetworker.com/ I promote “regularly,” but nothing any of you could not also do.

Now I’m using this ad: Did YOU get your 100 F.REE Shares of “SQIP: yet? (no catches) http://sqipit.blogspot.com/ (That link takes them to a blog I made for no cost at http://www.blogger.com/ which tells them a little more about SQIP and gives them my SQIP link to get their 100 shares. It’s the one you most likely first went to. You could make your own blog something like mine, or, send your prospects directly to your SQIP page.

And, as Nike would say, whatever you do…JUST DO IT!! I mean that, I see some of you really starting to tear this up, but most of you not even sponsoring 1 person. I should have 250 personally sponsored by the weekend and probably before that. Not bragging, just pointing out that within just over two WEEKS, I can promote this part-time and personally sponsor 250 people, mainly because I have a very good work ethic, and because I see a potential (yet seemingly, very real) GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!! I may shoot for 500 or even 1,000 personal sign ups and once I hit 250 I may help my wife get 100 or so as well.

Some of you are FAR better marketers than I am, I just smell the prize and am going for it. :~)

Nick wrote a 114 page “prospecting” manual that you may get some good ideas to find people to join you in SQIP. It’s called, “Over 250 Ways to Find New Prospects.” You can read it from my direct link for no cost at: www.nixthenews.com/prospecting.htm

Let me know if you have any questions. Happy Prospecting.

Scott OBrien

P.S. Feel f.ree to pass this email on to your new SQIP partners you sponsor. But most importantly, if you want to potentially (no guarantees of course) earn a bunch of shares in the company that they intend to sell within 24 months, and earn cash along the way as well…MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN BY PROMOTING THIS OPPORTUNITY CONSISTANTLY AND HARD! At LEAST get a couple emails out to your list and maybe place a couple of ads. I mean, who can’t GIVE –AWAY 100 Shares in a company that just may be the next giant Internet success story??

This just may be the ONE you have been waiting for all your life. Are you going to let it go by and then someday say, “IF ONLY I HAD TAKEN ACTION?”

REMEMBER…if you do invest in extra shares, I advise never spend more than you can afford to lose (in “anything” you ever invest in, not just SQIP shares). I have made a small investment already and plan on doing more, probably in the monthly deal they have going until Feb 28th to lock-in the 25 cents per share for the next 6 months. You can invest as little as 20 euros per month (that’s like $25 US) and up.

I Make NO Income Guarantees, so be cautious!

Scott OBrien

HOW I personally sponsored over 175 people in SQIP in 12 DAYS!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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